I just published a post on WaterPoloTraining.net about loading a sport skill.
Examples of this would be: throwing weighted baseballs or swinging heavy golf clubs.
Although the article is written for Water Polo the implications apply to all sports.
If I can train with a heavier ball, then when I go back to the regulation size and weight I should be able to just "kill it".
It makes sense right?
Get stronger by using heavier loads doing the same motion as your sport skill, it is basic strength training science.Although this is a really good idea in many circumstances (i.e. trying to copy or mimic exactly what you do in your sport with heavier loads) it may not always be a good idea.
Thank You & Be Well,
Michael Reid, B.HE, CSCS, RKC
good post Excellent stuff with wonderful information! I'm new here and loving the post! Thanks for sharing this great info!
Posted by: adapter | Jan 14, 2013 at 20:31