This research article came out this past week and has been whipping around my community of colleagues like ______________ (insert something crazy).
It concludes that Kettlebells burn ~20 Kcal/minute which is a HUGE number. This is 2-4x greater when compared to other popular forms of exercise (e.g. swimming, walking, jogging, weight training).
download the article for FREE:
The lead researcher from the study says:
“We estimated oxygen consumption and how many calories they were burning aerobically, and it was 13.6 calories per minute. But we also measured the blood lactate, so anaerobically they were burning another 6.6 calories per minute,” explains Porcari. “So they were burning at least 20.2 calories per minute, which is off the charts. That’s equivalent to running a 6-minute mile pace. The only other thing I could find that burns that many calories is cross-country skiing up hill at a fast pace.”
The exercise used was the Kettlebell Snatch which is an intermediate Kettlebell drill, but beginners can get similar benefits from performing Kettlebell Swings.
Kettlebell Swing:
Fredrik, the athlete in the video has been training for some time; 60kg is not the recommended weight to start with.
Generally, females will start with 8-12kg while most men will start with 16kg.
Be Well,
Mike Reid
I really think that it is one of the best but it is too hard to do it though!
Posted by: nicky cole | Feb 19, 2010 at 13:04
Too hard?
Start with a light weight (8kg) and you'll be safely swinging the 16kg in no time!
Steve McMinn, RKC
Posted by: Steve McMinn, RKC | Mar 08, 2010 at 12:49
Yes, start small then work the way up. just dont over train, and give you muscles time to recover. nice way to train outside, where there is full of clean air and sunshine.
Posted by: Kettlebell Workouts review | Aug 09, 2010 at 02:33
Hi,i'm from Italy and i love to discover new blogs and sites.
Thanks for your articles.
To Your Success
Posted by: Max Italy | Sep 25, 2010 at 12:50
I have to say that the video is mind blowing. Wonder how strong Fredrik is. The research and statistics mentioned prove that kettlebells form of exercise is the best exercise to lose weight when compared to other popular forms of exercise like swimming, jogging or any other weight training.
Posted by: Account Deleted | Sep 30, 2010 at 01:14
I'll only recommend this if you are as fit as the guy in the video. Don't get yourself hurt.
Posted by: Personal Trainer Burlington | Oct 04, 2010 at 13:23
Thank you for this article.
I love kettle bell training :-)
Posted by: | Oct 26, 2010 at 11:56
It is general knowledge that an obese child will have a greater tendency to become an obese adult. A fat kid may look really cute but a fat teenager usually gets the brunt of fat jokes in school and may also develop inferiority complex and other personality issues. A lot of parents are very conscious of avoiding making a big fuss about over-weight kids
Posted by: | May 21, 2011 at 10:01
I tried it and get positive results. Thanks.
E Oyama
Real HCG
Posted by: Real HCG | Jun 07, 2011 at 01:40
It seems the kettleball does work a lot of muscles at the same time. You can see the straining muscles on that man in the video and, in no time, any one who would all try that may achieve the same thing. Nice work on the research.
Posted by: Andrea Chopra | Aug 08, 2011 at 09:53
I love how you illustrate these ideas in this article. Your post is very interesting, and I enjoyed reading it
Posted by: appetite suppressant | May 22, 2012 at 03:12
I think we can put it in a way that we are hitting 2 birds in one stone, kettlebells help us lose fat and at the same time can help us improve or build good muscle. But we must not in a hurry, the slower the process could be better for our body and health.
Posted by: rxdrugon | Nov 29, 2012 at 05:00
We estimated oxygen consumption and how many calories they were burning aerobically, and it was 13.6 calories per minute.
Posted by: biphedadrene ingredients | Dec 02, 2012 at 23:31