In my last post I mentioned that I was going to do a physical training session with the Hørsholm 79ers Women's Basketball team.
This is a quick recap of what I did with the team for the 45 minutes I had with them.
But first, please let me try to explain the a bit of the thought process that I go through when doing something like this. What I mean by "this" is that I am only going out for one 45 minute session; I am the guest coach for the day.
Now, "this" may turn into a regular training session with this team but for now it is only a one time thing.
One of the things I have learned as a coach is to keep it simple. I have seen to many high level professional athletes fail miserably at what many would call basic or simple exercises.
Strength Coach Dan John from Utah, USA calls this the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid).
You can watch a short clip of Dan John here:
I have learned this lesson the hard way many times, but maybe just maybe I have it figured out now. The KISS principle ends up being the driving force behind this session. It is also important to keep it simple when not knowing anything about these players other then they play Basketball in the highest division in Denmark.
Here is a summary of the training session I did with the Hørsholm 79ers with some other bits of my thought process about coaching this kind of training session.
- I start by giving the girls a bit of a shocker as I tell them "no shoes, no socks". They all kind of give me a weird look but comply with my instructions. If you are wondering why no shoes, then you can read some of my earlier posts:
Olympic Weightlifting Barefoot
- Brief introduction of myself and some of the things we will be doing. After talking to the coach a few days before, we decided that I should focus on body weight exercises with a focus on the trunk and lower body. Considering these are basketball players, where the knee is one of the most injured joints this is certainly not a bad idea. Learning some proper movement mechanics of the lower body is always good and is usually lacking in many athletes.
- During the introduction I give them my 1st rule; "if hurts you must stop and let me know". I have no idea what the current medical history is of any of these players. The last thing I want to do is hurt someone by pushing them into a drill or exercise that is not appropriate for that individual at this time.
- With introduction over we get down on the floor on our stomachs, resting on our forearms for a minute or so then go directly into side-lying rotations which is thoracic spine mobility drill.
- Z-Health drills from R-Phase; lateral & medial ankle tilts, closed chain knee circles and hip pendulums.
- Split Squats (2 x 5 reps/side) & Body Weight Squats (3 x 5 reps) emphasizing movement quality.
- Now since I have had a chance to observe them move a bit we go into what I believe may very well be one of the best exercises, when performed properly, for knee health ... the single leg squat.
- I decided to teach them the Single Leg Box Squat, which is going up and down from a chair, box or bench.
- This is a much harder exercises then you think but these girls really pulled it off quite nicely.
- I also demonstrated the Single Leg Squat from standing on a bench. See video here:
- Next I coached them through 2 exercises that really focus on the back side, mainly Hamstrings & Glutes.
- Research has shown that in people with knee pain, the Hamstrings are relatively much weaker then the quadriceps (muscles on the front of the thigh). So, to prevent knee pain and also aid in performance doing lots of work on the back side is very important.
- The 2 exercises I taught were the Single Leg Deadlift and Sliding Leg Curls on the floor.
Single Leg Deadlift
Sliding Leg Curls video:
- At this point I was out of time and we had to stop. I didn't get a chance to really talk about programming so I will include a sample program in my next post.
Be Well,
Michael Reid
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